Monday 29 June 2009

Smoke 'em if you got 'em

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Chinchy Gig

The other night we played at the School of Creative Arts break-up/function/gig/party at JCU and it was an interesting night. The beer was cheap and sometimes free, the 'art' performances by the students were 'arty', and the general vibe was outdoorsy.

Here's some blurry pictures I didn't take with not my camera.

And here are some even more blurry ones.

Can you feel the motion/emotion?

Friday 5 June 2009

See Chinchy Tonight

Kinda short notice I know...But I don't think anyone reads this blog anyway.

Chinchy is playing a gig with AUX at the School of Creative Arts at James Cook University tonight from 6pm.

IT will be an experience

Just like the photo below.

Apparently this is what happens when you listen to Chinchy. It's like an experience with auto erotic asphyxiation.